A Loss for a Gain

Well, I officially have foregone the CG theater elements in favor of a plain interface (for now, out of necessity).  I would have liked to use all that work I have done, but it'll just have to wait.  At least I can stream the film now.  That's the most important thing.  And, as far as marketing, I think this is the best idea anyway.  The idea is to be regularly giving your audience reasons to continue coming back.  My knee jerk reaction is to throw everything up there at once and see what happens.. But the wiser, more intelligent thing is to stagger it and build momentum.  So here we are.  You'll have to wait for the theater.

But the movie is up there, and that's why you're here, isn't it?  I hope you like it.  Please leave a comment on the forum or elsewhere, or even send me an email.  I'd love to hear what you think of it.

Further, any questions you might  have about actors, locations, story, etc. can be sent to me at questions@thirdofeight.com.


FYI you need quicktime installed on your computer in order to view it.  theater.thirdofeight.com


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